Ocean Sticks

Ocean Sticks, a culinary delight crafted from the bounty of the sea, offer a flavorful and convenient seafood experience that's perfect for any occasion. These delectable sticks feature a harmonious blend of premium seafood ingredients, expertly combined and shaped for easy enjoyment.
Sourced from pristine ocean waters, Ocean Sticks showcase a medley of succulent fish and shellfish, providing a diverse and delightful flavor profile in every bite. The ingredients, which may include a combination of flaky white fish, tender crab meat, and other high-quality seafood, are carefully seasoned to perfection, ensuring a balance of savory goodness.
The convenience of Ocean Sticks lies in their easy preparation and versatile usage. Whether baked to a golden perfection, grilled for a smoky char, or simply heated for a quick and satisfying snack, these sticks cater to a variety of culinary preferences. Their convenient form also makes them an ideal option for appetizers, party platters, or creative seafood dishes.
With Ocean Sticks, the ocean's bounty is artfully packaged into a convenient and delicious format, allowing you to enjoy the flavors of the sea without the fuss. Each bite is a celebration of the ocean's richness, offering a delightful experience that appeals to seafood enthusiasts and those seeking a hassle-free way to incorporate premium seafood into their meals. Dive into the world of Ocean Sticks and discover a convenient, flavorful, and versatile seafood option that brings the essence of the ocean to your table with every satisfying bite.

Ocean Sticks, Crab flavoured sticks, shaped for snacking, Great for Salads or just as a Snack

Typical Values per 100g
Calories 102
Protein 7g
Carbohydrate 15g
Fat 2g
Sugar 5g
Salt 2g
Typical Values per 100g
Vitamin B12 1µg
Iodine 21µg
Biotin 3µg
Niacin 1.2mg
Selenium 19µg
Phosphorus 61mg